For the different actions there exist their own water supply currents:For taking water into a glass or a pot, an ordinary water pressure current mode is used.
For the hands or vegetables washing a dropping mode of the water supply is used, as it considerably economizes water, at the same time covering a big area. One more advantage of the dropping mode during the vegetables washing is the soft water pressure, which does not damage the tender rind.
Panel navigation: the colored bars situated upright indicate the water temperature, the icons on the mixer tap indicate the modes:
1.- ordinary water pressure,
2.- dropping water pressure, a more economizing mode.
Mixer tap consists of:OLDE screen, Sensor probes,A microprocessor, which processes the incoming settings and constantly adjusts them with the help of the final device on the tube, where the passing water is heated up to the needed temperature and its pressure is changed, is installed under the sink.As a result, only the cold water comes into the tap and the water heating is fulfilled in the necessary time and the heated water passes the shortest way, excluding the heat losses and the odd energy spending for the constant water heating.
This mixer tap is an ideal decision for a person, who keeps up with the times and cares for his own health and hygiene.
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